This note is based on the English course《Learn English with Bob the canadian》.

Copyright: For study only , no business use.



1 hour per day (30 minutes will work as well). Monday through Friday.


A notebook and a pen to write down new vocabulary each day.


A English song, a English book, a English television show.

  1. internet connection

Which I’m pretty sure you have because you’re reading the blog.



Mondays are for reading.

30~40 minutes

  • Read your book. //(if you having a little trouble understanding the book, please get the book in your own language as well, you can read one chapter in English , and then read the next chapter in your own language and flip back and forth.)

  • Read the news.

  • Read

  • Be sure to write down some new vocabulary words in your notebook with their definitions.

Please do those three things for 30~40 minutes.

while you’re doing those things, you should write new vocabulary words into your notebook along with a short definition of them.

The rest of your time

  • Read part of your book out loud.

  • Write out some passages.

  • Listen to the audio of your book.


Tuesday are for writing.

30~40 minutes

  • Write about yesterday. //(so that you can practice writing in the past tense.)

  • Write about tomorrow. //(so that you can practice writing in the future tense.)

  • Leave comments on YouTube.

  • Write down likes and dislikes about your book,song or TV show.

  • Write a summary of your recent reading. //(5 to 10 sentences.)

  • Be sure to write down some new vocabulary words in your notebook with their definitions.

Please do those things for 30~40 minutes.

The rest of your time

  • Read over your writing.

  • Put your writing into Google translate.

  • Read your English sentence out loud.


Wednesday are for listening.

30~40 minutes

  • Watch your television show in English.

  • Listen to your song a few minutes.

  • Watch a few YouTube videos.

  • Listen to your audiobook of your book. //(if you have.)

The rest of your time

  • Read about your television show on Wikipedia.

  • Write a little bit about the show.

  • Write about how your songs make you feel.

  • Say some of the lines from the television show.

  • Sing along to your song.

  • Be sure to write down some new vocabulary words in your notebook with their definitions.


Thursday are for listening.

30~40 minutes

  • Talk to a native speaker on FaceTime or Skype.

  • Preply, Cambly, and Italki are great. //(the websites where you can hire a native English speaker to have a conversation with you.)

  • Talk out loud to yourself. //(if you can’t afford to hire someone.)

  • Narrate to your life.

  • Be sure to write down some new vocabulary words in your notebook with their definitions.

The fact that that you know you will be talking to a native English speaker every Thursday will actually make you work harder on Monday, Tuesday , Wednesday and Friday each week in order to get ready for that session.

The rest of your time

  • Listen to your song again and sing out loud.

  • Read your book out loud.

  • Shadow or mimic actors from TV show.


Friday are for vocabulary.


  • Study the vocabulary that you wrote in your notebok earlier in the week.

  • Say the words out loud.

  • Use the new words in a sentence.

you should be just be spending all of your time, the entire hour, making sure that you have all your new vocabulary memorized.


  • Find a new song.

  • Find a new book. //(if you are done reading your book.)

  • Find a new TV show. //(if you are done watching all of the episodes of the television show you were watching.)

  • Take a break. //(sometimes taking a break from learning actually refresh your brain and makes you better able to learn the next week.)


[1]Learn English with Bob the Canadian.The Best Way To Learn English (In my humble opinion.)